

宁夏大学第四届(数学)研究生云端暑期学校系列报告六:Piping Stress Analysis


报告题目:Piping Stress Analysis

报告时间:2020年7月6日 星期一14:30

报告方式:腾讯会议(ID:864 664 707)

报告内容:In this report we provide a brief introduction of piping stress analysis which is widely used in Oil and Gas plant design, Oil and Gas transportation design, Power piping and Nuclear Piping. Pipe stress analysis calculates the stress in a piping system subject to normal operating loads such as pressure, weight, and thermal expansion, and occasional loads such as wind, earthquake, and water hammer. Because all piping systems are connected to equipment such as vessels, tanks, pumps, turbines, and compressors, the piping stress analysis also involves evaluation of the effect of the piping forces and moments to the connecting equipment. As the piping stress is controlled by the arrangement of the supports and restraints, the scope of piping stress includes also pipe supports. With the rapid advancement in computer technology, a piping flexibility analysis nowadays takes only few minutes via an appropriate computer software. Therefore, the task of the stress engineer has been shifted from the traditional stress calculation to stress engineering.



宁夏大学数学统计学院 宁夏师范学院数学与计算机学院

