



报告1:Climate Information, Crop Modeling and Impacts on Global Food Security.

时间:2017年7月4日(星期二) 上午 8:50—10:50


报告人:Dr. V R Reddy, 美国农业部Beltsville研究中心作物与气候变化实验室首席专家

报告2:Crop Response to Climate Change: SPAR Facilities, capabilities and Tools.

时间:2017年7月5日(星期三) 上午 8:50—10:50


报告人:Dr. V R Reddy, 美国农业部Beltsville研究中心作物与气候变化实验室首席专家

个人简介:V. R. Reddy is presently the Research Leader and Supervisory Plant Physiologist for the USDA-ARS, Crop Systems and Global Change Laboratory (CSGCL),Beltsville,MD,USA. Over the years, Dr. Reddy served on various professional, and administrative positions, most recently as Acting Associate Director for ANRI during (2011-2012), and as Beltsville Area representative on the RL Advisory Council (2010-2012). Presently serves as the Members of Scientific Advisory Board(SAB) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),Paris,France. Dr. Reddy is a Fellow of the American Society of Agronomy, and Crop Science Society of America. He presently serves as a members of several Editorial Boards of the International Scientific Journals.

Dr. Reddy's research focuses on crop responses to climate change, especially processes like photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, carbon and nitrogen metabolism and growth analysis of cotton, soybean, corn, and various other crops. He uses this process level data for the development of mechanistic, process level crop simulation models and computer-aided farm decision-support systems for major crops like corn, cotton, soybean, potato, wheat and rice. In addition to his research, Dr. Reddy provides both technical and administrative leadership for the Crop Systems and Global Change Laboratory. He has published more than 100 papers and 7 books.
